YK Leaders Credo
YK leaders’s first responsibility is about everyone who uses our services as a customer of each group’s company.
We keep quality of all products and services to the highest level to meet customer’s needs. Also, we strive constantly to reduce costs to maintain the right price. Customer needs must be implemented accurately and quickly. We strive to ensure that all the contractors we deal with earn a legitimate profit.
YK leaders’s second responsibility is about employees of YK leaders.
All employees must be respected as individuals, not as a group. We respect the dignity and appreciate their merits. YK leaders and all employees are bound to abide by security rules for our work. All employees must be treated fairly and appropriately. And the working environment must be kept clean, orderly and safe. We need to be considerate so that employees can fulfill their responsibilities to their families. All employees are free to comment and complain at any time. Opportunities for recruitment, talent development, promotion, and others must be fair. We are competitive and management, management must be fair and ethically to act. We must build a competitive management team and management team must be fair and ethically to act.
YK leaders’s third responsibility is about the local community in which we live and work and national community.
As a member of society, we not only do a good deed and support community services, also pay taxes fairly. We support the improvement of the urban environment, better sanitary and educational environment. We protect the environment and natural resources while maintaining the resources provided to us correctly.
YK leaders’s last responsibility is about the contractors, business partners.
We run a business that generates proper profits. We constantly invent new ideas, conduct thorough researches to find innovative programs and risk failure. We discover new areas, provide new services and launching new products. We must prepare adversity in advance and take precautions. Based on these principles, we strive to ensure that contractors and business partner receive legitimate profits.